Wednesday, December 25, 2013



"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly" ~Andy Rooney

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." - 2 Corinthians 9:15

Sitting at the dining room table at 7:51 am waiting for Dianne to arise so we can begin our Christmas morning celebration.  It may be another hour.  Two Christmas Eve services last night, one ending at midnight and a  little unwinding afterwards at our favorite diner kept us up later.  Plus, no kids or grandkids at our house to push the agenda forward.  (I understand from my daughter Christi on Facebook that my grandson Jake already has them up and ready.)  Later today my Dad, sibs, their spouses and offspring will be at our house for Christmas dinner so we won't be alone.  It will be, I am sure, a full day--filled with the joy that comes from family at Christmas time; but more than that, the joy that comes from God who has blessed us with the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

I know that not everyone reading this has these twin blessings--some, neither of them.  My heart, although filled with the joy of Christ, grieves for you.  God did not intend for us to be alone. Psalm 98:6 tells us, "God sets the lonely in families ..."  I would encourage you, if it is within your power, to reach out to your family and not let this day pass without that connection.  I know in some cases that will be messy--not the glorious mess of a living room following the family's celebration--but some of God's best miracles come when things are messy.

But even more, if you do not yet find yourself in a personal relationship with Christ--could I urge you to respond today to his invitation to be a part of his Forever family.  Our biological families--may and do--fail us.  God will not.

May you know the peace and the joy that comes from receiving that indescribable gift made possible by God's amazing grace and unconditional love.

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