One of my prayer partners read yesterday's post on my devotional blog and sent me this response. I have his permission to pass it on.
Your devotional story is familiar to many. I have often thought of ‘why doesn’t that person get a job?’ Maybe they are in desperate circumstances or lazy, or whatever. I, like you, have come to realize that it is not our job to judge, but we must be vigilant and not suckered.
A quick story: One night I pulled into the gas station across from McD’s on Centerville Road @ Rt 30. I noticed a fairly old, dilapidated (that is a kinder word) auto sitting at the pumps. There were some kids in the back seat, maybe three or four. There was a lady in the front. When I was pumping gas the man of the group came over to me and asked if I could ‘loan’ him $5 so that they could get fuel to make their way back to home in New Jersey. Well, as I often am, very reluctant and then I thought that $5.00 of gas would not get him but about 100 miles or so, at best! I ended up giving him $10 which he promptly put to use on purchasing fuel. He came over to me and asked for my mailing address. I really became suspicious at that time about giving my address to a stranger, but I did. I left and completely forgot about the incident. One day a crumpled envelope appeared in our mail box. Lo and behold when I opened it there was a $10 folded up in a rather tattered piece of paper which had a genuine ‘thank you’ note attached.
God is good all the time despite my feeble attempts at playing Christian.
Tom Shea
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