Monday, April 9, 2012


This is my normal day to post Monday Morning Reflections.  It is generally my day to comment on our culture, political system, and the world.  That's not the direction that I want to travel.  In case you haven't read my profile, I am the pastor of a local church.  I have had plenty of opportunities and offers to do other things in ministry--some higher profile, some better paid; but many years I came to the understanding that God had called me to serve Him and help spread the Good News of the Kingdom leading a specific community of people to be the persons God created and redeemed them to be.

Last week was Holy Week and this year it was an unusually busy time, even for Holy Week. I taught two Bible studies and watched as men embraced God's Word and sought to make it real in their lives, (There was, of course, the chocolate peanut butter cake they consumed to celebrate Bubba Miller's birthday. Wednesday night I had the incomparable privilege of teaching our young people about Feetwashing, an ordinance of our church where we affirm humility and Christian servanthood.   It was a service that lasted more than 40 minutes because they were washing the feet of every person in the group who had blessed them and connected them to Jesus.

Traditional Maundy Thursday, a community Good Friday service; and, of course, the Easter Celebrations of the Resurrection.  I also had a fair amount of counseling and coaching people lead various ministries of the church.

Now it is over and most of the world shifts from Easter to the next holiday, which in the US means Memorial Day.  Today my staff and I are still celebrating Easter because our work is done and we can relax a bit and enjoy the abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10 ("I have come that they may have life to full.")

Easter Monday is not a holiday to just veg out and do something out of the ordinary.  For me it's a day for rest, to relax without feeling guilty, and to tell any parishioner who have already enjoyed their Easter to "make an appointment tomorrow. Call me if you are dying, but if you're dead, let it wait until Tuesday."
(Actually I wouldn't really say that, but I have thought it on more than one holiday or day off.)

My Easter Monday already has an agenda--getting my taxes read for filing before April 17th.  Trust me, there's been no time until now.  I had to render unto God before rending unto Caesar. There are some other things I could do, like putter around the yard, finish the novel I am reading. or take Dianne down to Havre de Grace to see the Bay.
(Unfortunately that would require money that Uncle Sam already has a claim upon.)

Nonetheless, I am going to enjoy the day because of one simple truth. He is alive and because He lives, I live also.  No longer slave to my sin, no longer afraid of death, but living with the peace that passes all understanding.  Fifty-three years ago at age eight I gave my life to Jesus Christ and as each Easter passes I live with an even deeper appreciation of what it means to let Christ live in and through me.
And I have a greater appreciation of that unconditional love  from which I shall never again be separated.

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