Monday, November 12, 2012


I was traveling from Pennsylvania to Indiana for a speaking engagement just a few days after the elections.  In the hotel breakfast room, CNN was on the television.  Doing a rundown of the week's events, they were commenting on the vote in Washington and Colorado to legalize recreational marijuana (something that continues to violate federal law).

"Marijuana on Main Street, just what we need!"

This came from the lips of a grandmother who was overseeing the breakfast for the hotel.  In print you cannot hear the inflection in her voice.  It was neither affirmation or celebration, it was dripping with sarcasm.

"It will lead to more problems. Count on it!"

To this lady I say, "Amen."

Now I know right away, the pro-marijuana people will say, "We allow other drugs like alcohol ..."  Or the libertarians will say, "It's  my right as long as I don't hear anyone."  I have friends in both of these camps.

My response on the surface is, "Ultimately we will pay for your healthcare choices or to care for you when your mind is gone." And to the latter, "But not everything is good for you or for our society."

Let me reiterate, "it will lead to more problems."

Let the evidence speak for itself. shares these facts about marijuana. I think they are worth considering:


It's a plant, so it's natural, and natural is always good-right? Think again, because both natural and synthetic versions of marijuana can cause a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain.


Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees, smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed, hash, tea, chronic, 420

What is it?

A green and brown mix of dried flowers, stems, seeds and leaves from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.39 The main active chemical is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which moves quickly through the bloodstream to the brain and other organs throughout the body.39 Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen that can also act as a depressant or a stimulant.

The Risks

You may hear people ask, "If it's dangerous, why do so many people have medical marijuana cards?"40 It's true that scientists have determined that the cannabis plant has the potential for addressing a range of medical conditions. But it's also true that when you're young and your body is still growing, marijuana actually has the potential of inflicting a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain.

Using marijuana at a young age can result in structural and functional deficits of the brain. This could cause you to develop weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities and a shortened attention span.40


In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.41

You may have heard people argue that marijuana is a "gateway drug" to harder drug use. Some say this is a myth, others insist it is a fact. The truth is that there is a link. Research shows that the earlier you start using marijuana, the more likely you are to become dependent on it or other types of drugs later in life.42


Some movies and music make "stoner" culture seem cool, natural and like it's not a big deal. But if being fit and getting good grades are some of your goals, using marijuana can become a big deal, fast. Marijuana limits your brain's effectiveness, slows your thinking and impairs your coordination. A number of studies have also shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. 41


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