Thursday, July 16, 2009


A few months back I had a unique and original experience. For the first time in over 35 years of ministry, I performed a wedding ceremony at a band rehearsal. Carl and Carol (pictured here) made their promises to God, shared their vows with one another, and exchanged rings on a Tuesday night in the sanctuary of the Church of God of Landisville. Carl is the drummer for our church's Worship Band. Carol has been attending church with him since last fall.

They were scheduled for a "big wedding" in June, but a dilemma arose. Carol's lease expired before the wedding and they did not want to live together before they were actually married. You need to know that this is an increasingly unusual attitude. We have grown so casual about commitment, that "living together" is almost a commonplace occurrence even in the most traditional of communities. Carl and Carol have some differences. He is a Republican, she was an Obama delegate. Carl was married before and has children. Carol has waited for marriage into her forties. Carl is in sales, Carol is in media and marketing.

But the one thing they had in common was a commitment to Christ and a belief that they wanted to start their marriage solidly. And they wanted to send no mixed messages to Carl's children, or to anyone else. In many ways, Carl and Carol aren't "hard core" as some people might try to pigeonhole their faith. And like the pastor who united them, you could find some times when their is inconsistency in their walk with Christ. But on this issue, they chose the high ground, the harder ground.

That's how a life of maturity in Christ begins. Choose the high ground. Understand that all of your choices have impact and consequences. Choose the high ground.

So in front of the band, and Carol's parents, they tied the night. Later they threw a big bash for the world and repeated their vows. What I believe will be a good and godly marriage has begun.

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