Heidi Mikulkin is a young wife and mother from western Pennsylvania -- and a seminary student. In fact, it is my privilege to be one of her professors. She is passionate about Jesus and passionate about helping other people meet. She is what I call one of "Christ's respectful ambassadors." She posted this story a few days ago on her Facebook page:
"Two young men walked by my front porch today. It was not the first time I had seen them, and I knew the mission they were on. After pleasantries, they asked if I was used to the weather here in PA. These two boys were from out of town, and they were not accustomed to the changes in weather. I asked them what God was inviting them to do today. They began talking about their mission, how they were missionaries away from home to spread news. I asked them to sit and chat with me for a while. The three of us read the Bible. I questioned them, and they asked me questions. As we talked, I shared my Good News. They couldn't understand the difference in our beliefs, so I asked them to share their testimony. When they had finished sharing with me, I told them my testimony. I got to introduce them to my Jesus, and how He changed my life because He is who He says He is, and He did what He said He did. I prayed with them before they left. Funny, I had expected to have a Bible study on my front porch today, but I could have never guessed who it would be with."
Heidi's actions remind me powerful of the instructions the Apostle Peter gave to the Early Church:
Thank you, Heidi, for this reminder to Christians everywhere of how we can continue to proclaim the Good News in a world that is often hostile to our faith.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
My friend Stuart Deloney, who blogs as Snarky Faith, set me on this clip that was a winner in 2013 on America's Funniest Home Videos. Normally Dianne is not eager for breakfast (as a substitute school teacher she prefers sleeping in until close to lunch time) except for Sunday after church. This may be one of the reasons.
Just for Fun,
Friday, May 16, 2014
Starting a new periodic series of my favorite blog posts. This one was first published in Life Matters December 1, 2011. And by the way, I still love breakfast. - STEVE
I love breakfast!
No apologies, no hesitation, no nuances – just a straightforward love of breakfast.
A cup of coffee, a simple bowl of Cheerios, a slice of toast – that’s breakfast at its most minimal. Although my diabetes now requires me to tone down breakfast, there are some things that I particularly love with breakfast.
Start with a cup of fresh, hot coffee.
It requires no doctoring, just its rich flavor wafting aromatic out of
the cup into your nostrils. A quality cup of coffee is the “first love”
of a good breakfast. And please, please, please — do not ruin the experience by serving me decaf. I’d rather have a warm glass of diet Pepsi that’s been sitting on the counter for three days.
I can begin to embrace breakfast with a gusto by a cold glass of tomato juice
served while the meal itself is being prepared. Many places add a
slice of lemon,but for me such “decoration” is totally unnecessary. If I
have lemon at all at breakfast, let it be lemonade. Occasionally, when I am not too worried about my blood sugar, a glass of Florida’s best orange juice
is a pleasant addition – but it has to have lots of pulp or the whole
OJ thing loses substance. OJ is the first place where I might want to
chew my breakfast, When the price on either is too high or none is
available, there’s much breakfast refreshment from a glass of ice water
with that slice of lemon that people erroneously want to insert into my
tomato juice.
the main courses begin to arrive–generally on multiple plates balanced
artfully on the forearm of your waitress. How do they do that? I have
trouble carrying my keys in my hands let alone do the balancing act
required by breakfast waitresses. And they do it without velcro.
So what comes first? Two eggs sunnyside up/ Please
do not let them get cold in the kitchen before they reach me. And if
you break the yolks, I’ll send them back. Never mind that I am about
the plunge my fork into their shimmering yellow surface. Part of the
blessing is savoring the plunging of the fork into those two yellow
faces staring back at you and watching the yolk run into the whites.
And don’t burn the whites. A runny yoke loses its culinary satisfaction
when it is eaten with the rest of the egg that has begun to take on the
texture of burnt toast.
Of course – toast. My preference, four half slices of raisin toast,
slightly crispy with a pat of butter melting into its surface. My
diabetes has turned breakfast potatoes into unwelcome carbs.
At my home restaurant, the Silver Spring Family Restaurant has offered me fresh, sliced tomatoes as an alternative. (Unfortunately with an upcharge). That’s the “fruit: with my breakfast. I cannot quite explain it, but those tomatoes are a perfect taste counterpart to the eggs and toast, and they don’t compete with the coffee. (By now I should be on my second cup).
If i want to have a more filling breakfast, old-fashioned Southern
grits with a huge dollop of butter melting into their hot, fluid surface
has me salivating before I even get that first taste (which is usually
ten minutes after they get to the table and have finally cooled enough
to eat without cauterizing your epiglottis. Unfortunately too many
people are introduced to grits through a box or in the North where they
never seem to make grits the right way (except in Cracker Barrel). But
give grits a chance. You won’t be sorry and they are probably better
for you than a double order of toast.
And for “dessert,” (yes, breakfast has a dessert along with your third cup of coffee) be sure and tie the whole experience together with a few danish, preferably something with cinnamon (unless you need more fruit, then get apple danish). But don’t tell my health coach about the danish.
I love breakfast!
I love breakfast!
No apologies, no hesitation, no nuances – just a straightforward love of breakfast.
A cup of coffee, a simple bowl of Cheerios, a slice of toast – that’s breakfast at its most minimal. Although my diabetes now requires me to tone down breakfast, there are some things that I particularly love with breakfast.
At my home restaurant, the Silver Spring Family Restaurant has offered me fresh, sliced tomatoes as an alternative. (Unfortunately with an upcharge). That’s the “fruit: with my breakfast. I cannot quite explain it, but those tomatoes are a perfect taste counterpart to the eggs and toast, and they don’t compete with the coffee. (By now I should be on my second cup).
And for “dessert,” (yes, breakfast has a dessert along with your third cup of coffee) be sure and tie the whole experience together with a few danish, preferably something with cinnamon (unless you need more fruit, then get apple danish). But don’t tell my health coach about the danish.
I love breakfast!
(C) 2011 by Stephen L Dunn
Thursday, May 15, 2014
In just a short time, my granddaughter Natalie will graduate from high school. I could not be prouder of her nor happier for her. I can remember her when she was very young and very strong-willed and her strong-willed father called me for advice. "What worked with you, Michael?" "Nothing" was his response. "Good luck," was mine.
A voracious reader as a youngster and a gung ho Girl Scout. She was enamored with House, and ga-ga over Les Mis. Much to our joy, Natalie loved God early. And then, of course, later she loved Dakota but not in the same way. An artist's eye with a camera and a perceptive writer, over and over she gave me reasons for joy. First she wanted to be a Park Ranger, but now a journalist. But since she was president of her high school student council as a freshman--who knows. She'd certainly be an improvement over the current occupant--even now.
Natalie loved to play the Geek, but she was a stunner come prom time. She was her Dad's golf partner since he had no sons, his chief marketer for Mikey's Burgers and Fries, and a great confidante to mom Melonie. And a patient older sister with her younger sibling Ashley who kept beating her for a time at minigolf.
Because we lived so far apart (she in Michigan and I in Pennsylvania), most of our communication was by Facebook. I remember one night when she got in trouble for having a late night conversation with Grandpa, which I innocently mentioned to her Dad - who had banned her from Facebook for one of the usual teenage violations.
As she heads off into the more adult world, I just want to say,"Natalie, I love you. I am proud of you and happen to really like the you that you have become. I will pray for your regularly. And who knows, maybe some day you will become the fourth Dr. Dunn in this family.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
This week Kevin Durant received the NBA's MVP award. Just in time for Mother's Day. I have nothing but respect for this man.
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