Core values is a hot button today. Education, industry, government, and churches speak of core values. Core values are important because values drive behaviors. Shared core values shape an orgnaization as a unified, powerful, and effective force capabale of accomplishing great vision.
Another way of describing core values is to speak of DNA. In our Creator's design, DNA are the molecular building blocks that determine of much of the uniqueness, character, and physical make-up that we possess as human beings. The church sees itself as having a DNA, a spiritual make-up that defines and determines who we are. We do not see ourselves as an organization but as an organism, the continuing body of the Risen Christ. As such, the implications of DNA are even more profound. We believe that church possess the DNA of Jesus Christ, the spiritual buildings that shape us to possess and exhibit a Christ-like character in our dealings with our world. More about DNA to come.
Why are celebrities dressing in immoral ways?
7 hours ago
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