This weekend I opened my email to discover a message from Facebook. Natalie Dunn wanted to be my friend. Natalie is my 13 year old granddaughter, who lives in Michigan. For all you grandparent types, that's more than 650 miles from Landisville PA and so I don't get many opportunities to get involved in her life. (Now I know she likes pancakes and wants to be a park ranger.) Facebook has its limitations and even its hazards, but I am grateful for the technology that allows me to have a stronger relationship with my granddaughter.
I am reminded of how computers and email revolutionized overseas mission work. Instead of being isolated and dependent on mail that often took weeks, missionaries were able to communicate back home in real time. Supporters and mission boards could now respond to needs with greater promptness and pray for real and specific issues at the exact time those prayer were needed most.
Cliff Lee was not as sharp last night but Chase Utley was devastating and the Phillies stepped back from the brink with a win over the Yankees. Chase is the new "Mr. October" (sorry Reggie). Four of my friends were at the game (one Yankees fan in the bunch)and each had his take on what made the game special (this time the Yankee fan saying "what it"?) So back to the Bronx. Can the Phillies win two more?
Election Day. Get out and vote.
Reminder - A Good Question meets tomorrow night from 7-9 upstairs at the Black Knight in Landisville. Join us.
Jesus Won’t Back Down
55 minutes ago
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