By the time you read this post I will be at Doubling Gap Center awaiting the arrival of the first kids for Youth Camp at Camp Yolijwa. Once again I am working as a Male Head Counselor, this year joined by a friend and Winebrenner Seminary student Logan Ames. In previous years Logan, a member of our Caring Community Church near Hummelstown has worked for me as a counselor and I have always appreciated his integrity and dedication to Christ. Lately I have been following his adventures in preparation for ministry on Facebook, along with an occasional on-line chat. In addition to his giftedness, I believe we will be a good match. Both of us are deeply concerned about kids' lives being transformed. Both of us tend to run a tight, but fair, ship so that no kid's selfishness ruins the experience for others. Plus he's a high energy night person - I'm talking late night. I'm a high energy morning person - I'm talking early morning. The kids will never have a chance.
This is my fourth year on the staff Youth Camp staff (I am generally the oldest by about 10 years). It is the third year I have functioned as Head Counselor. Although each year I come back a little more tired and more fully aware that I am nowhere near a young man in body, I look forward to this week. I thoroughly enjoying meeting and learning about these 10th. 11th and 12th graders. They are a window on our culture that keeps me on the cutting edge of ministry. Many of them are part of a "pocket of lostness" that reignites my passion for evangelism. All of them have great potential, even those who have been badly abused by the world in which they must live, if they can just connect enough to Jesus Christ to let him transform them into a new creation.
I would greatly appreciated your prayers. If I get time and access to a computer, I will blog a bit on our two church "in house blogs" --- WE ARE THE CHURCH OF GOD OF LANDISVILLE or HOLY SPIRIT INCUBATOR
Tragedy over the Potomac
2 hours ago
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