Walt Mueller is head of the Center for Parent Youth Understanding and the author of one of the blogs we feature Learning My Lines. He is among the best at articulating the nuances of youth culture and how parents and the church can impact young people positively. - STEVE

. . one week from tomorrow. It’s almost here. And if your family is
like mine, the Christmas holiday season affords you more time than usual
to spend together. Your kids are home for a few extra days of vacation,
you spend more time around the table at meals, and you might even be
spending extended periods of time together in the car as you travel to
visit family and friends. The good news is that all this time together
opens doors for communication.
But communication with our teenagers is not always easy. The cultural
and developmental differences between our generation and their
generation sometimes makes it difficult to communicate effectively with
each other. In addition, the fact that some or maybe all family members
are “wired up” to their hand-held devices adds an extra challenge at our
efforts to communicate. While we might be satisfied with blaming our
poor communication on our teens, the burden falls on us as parents to be
dissatisfied to the point where we take the burden on ourselves to do
what we can to improve our intergenerational communication.
Dr. Wayne Mack offers some very helpful communication advice in his book,
Your Family God’s Way.
He lists a number of “circuit jammers to family communication” that can
clog the lines and weaken relationships. Parents, the burden falls on
us to be sure that we aren’t adopting any of these harmful communication
patterns. Here are five communication “circuit jammers” to avoid as you
spend time with your children and teens this Christmas season:
Excessive negative talk. This takes place when we
constantly complain, find fault, and seldom affirm or talk about the
positive virtues of our kids. Excessive negative talkers rarely
acknowledge the good things happening in the world, the church, or their
family. These verbal purveyors of gloom and doom foster a depressing
atmosphere in the home. Home becomes a place where heaviness, rather
than happiness, prevails. Look for the positive, and talk about it!
Mind-reading speech. We throw a real monkey wrench
into our communication with our kids when we assume and tell them what
they really meant by what they said. If you’ve been the victim of
someone who’s told you, “You can’t fool me. I know what you meant,” you
know how quickly communication breaks down. Just to be sure, ask
clarifying questions so that you get at the heart of what they’re trying
to say.
Verbal manipulation. Because we’re older and more
experienced than our kids, it’s often easy to enlist verbal attempts to
control, manipulate, or punish our kids. Statements like “You’ll be the
death of me yet,” “I wish you had never been born,” and “You’re just no
good,” destroy relationships. Think before you speak, and choose words
that build up rather than tear down.
Cotton candy speech. If cotton candy is the main
component of your diet, watch out. Likewise, homes built on conversation
that is superficial, lacking depth, and void of substance will weaken
and starve. Relationships will be shallow where serious issues and deep
concerns are never discussed. Look for and make opportunities to talk
intentionally and deeply about God’s Word, current events, and your
teen’s cares and concerns. Since it’s Christmas, talk about the amazing
wonder of God coming into His world as a human being. . . and all that
means for us.
Knee-jerk speech. A quick, thoughtless response is
usually an unwise response. Hastily spoken words are seldom profitable.
Choose your words carefully by thinking before you speak. Maybe we
should more regularly heed the words of Proverbs 18:13 – “He who answers
before listening – that is his folly and shame.”
Have a blessed time celebrating the birth of the Savior with your
family. And, may your communication with your kids bring honor and glory
to Him!