This Sunday we will observe Mother's Day in the church. It is appropriate even if it doesn't really have liturgical significance. Mothers are to be honored according to the Ten Commandments. Good and godly mothers are a particular blessing to us. Not only do they sustain our lives in the womb, but they spend many years helping teach us to be good and godly, helping shape us to become responsible adults. My own mother, Marilyn Dunn, is one of my life hero(ines).
But I also know that Mother's Day is painful. I once had a church member who stayed home that day protesting a "holiday created by Hallmark." That was historically inaccurate hyperbole, but it did reveal a truth. Not every woman can be a mother and her worth as a human being is not diminished because of infertility or even the decision to be childless. And for many, the mother that should be honored is not their biological one, but their spiritual one. There are many woman in the church, who cannot bear children, but are the life-shapers of the biological children of others. They should not be overlooked in the celebration.
Perhaps you'd like to honor a mother by posting a comment on this blog. If not, at least send her flowers or a card or buy her lunch or better yet--tell her how much you appreciate her.
Dolly Parton’s husband dies at 82
9 hours ago
I treated my mom to a show at Sight and Sound "Behold the Lamb" on Wednesday. It was a great afternoon to enjoy each other's company and be able to worhsip at the same time! My mom is very special. She is so giving and always willing to help out her family in times of need. I am blessed to have her in my life.
ReplyDeleteGail, Mothers (and Dads) always appreciate when we go to the trouble to show that appreciation. I still remember the first time my oldest daughter Christi picked up a check. It was her way of saying thanks for a whole lot of "checks" I had picked up. The best part is that she still picks up some of those checks. ... Dr Steve