I find this cartoon to be prophetic. The "biggest boys on the block" or the meanest you-know-what's in the valley live with an arrogance of position that makes them fearsome for a time. But being in control of a situation because there is no one big enough or bad enough to challenge is ultimately a fantasy. A microbe can bring down an empire. A child with the right piece of information can defeat a bully. A persistent novice can score a winning shot against a pro. It happens all the time. History is filled with examples.
In John 13, Jesus said that the road to greatness was through stooping to serve. Humility will triumph over pride. Persons who can think of others will be rewarded far beyond their imagination. People who settle for personal victory or vindication will only have that at best--and that doesn't last.
Feet washing is the symbol in the Bible of the prevailing value of humble service. I love this picture of the little Chinese girl washing feet. Who do you think is having the greatest joy here? Who do you think will be remembered and honored.
My own church, the Churches of God, practices this ceremony or ordinance of Feetwashing because we want to always be reminded that we are servant of God serving a world that God loves.
Ultimately arrogance and power go the way of the dinosaur. I wonder when the world will figure it out.
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