Greg Nauman is a good friend of mine; but more importantly, he's a friend of God. As a member of my congregation he has served as an elder and a council president. For a time he co-taught The Transformers, our young couples' Sunday School Class. Right now he's doing none of these, To the left you see him serving as a teacher for a Good News Club we sponsor in a local elementary school. He is heading up our All Church Family Retreat, a once year event occurring in about two weeks. He and his wife help with our senior high Sunday School class. Last Monday he had lunch with a young man from our Core Student Leadership group, who Greg will be mentoring. Right now he is organizing a work team of adult and teens who will helping in the Appalachian region of southwestern Pennsylvania this summer.
Most Sundays he and his wife Maria take someone in the church to lunch--to get acquainted and to encourage them. He'll probably be embarrassed by this post.
You say, "It's wonderful to have a guy like that working for the church." That's true. He's among many men and women with whom I blessed as Lead Pastor of my church. But this is not his job, it his calling. Greg's day job is that of a financial planner for a major financial management firm.
No healthy and effective church depends on paid staff to do its jobs. It depends upon its people who believe that they have a critical role to play in God's kingdom and give of their time and their talents to follow their calling to serve their community where God's Spirit leads.
Our day job may pay the bills and earn the respect of the world. It is our 24/7 calling that honors God and truly transforms people's lives. Are you more than your day job?
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