It's Sunday afternoon as I write. Crash time for pastors except when they have to do some pastoring. I am fortunate to serve a church that has very few Sunday afternoon activities so that is often personal time for me. Having poured out almost every ounce of physical and relational energy into my Sunday morning work at the church, it is often best to veg out Sunday afternoon--enjoy a baseball game or golf match on the television, take a nap as I "watch," or play around on the computer. Blogging is actually one of the most "productive" things I choose to do with Sunday afternoons. Since my wife Dianne enjoys a LONG nap Sunday afternoon, I don't even need to concern myself with relating to her. I have spiritual issues with doing yard work and household projects on Sundays, lest I disturb my neighbors or encourage other people's disregard for the Sabbath, so I don't feel guilty that my gutters need cleaning out. There is just a freedom to "waste" time that comes with Sunday afternoons.
Many years ago Ken Prunty described how I feel about Sunday afternoon. He called it "freescence" - the time and the attitude of mind when you are free of the constant responsibility to work, to relate, to feel responsible. He said that was liberating not because it was irresponsible but because it expressed you realization that you can let go at times knowing God is in control. You can bask in the freedom that Christ has given you. Mark Buchanan calls this living out the Sabbath principle of the Bible. What is "lawful" on the sabbath. If it is "necessary" do it in the six days ordained for work. If it is "unnecessary," it has to do with resting your body, restoring your soul, taking a break from your work--then that is what you allow yourself to do on the Sabbath. (It really wasn't NECESSARY to blog, it just is something I felt the "freescence" to do as I waited on the latest report from my fantasy baseball team, the Landisville Sluggers. Time now to return to the MLB website.)
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