Memorial Day Weekend is an interesting time in Landisville and Salunga and the surrounding suburban neighborhoods. It's when Main Street begins to resemble Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge, Tennesee. Wall to wall "stores" and bumper to bumper traffic. This is the big Yard Sale here. It is bookended by a flea markets at Salunga Park and A. Herr Park. Almost everything imaginable that once graced someone's house or "collections" goes up for sale--along with food stands featuring fruit smoothies, a variety of egg rolls plus good old fashioned hamburgersm, hot dogs and french fries. Even the little kids across the street had a lemonade stand. (The lemonade was a very reasonable 50 cents. The "advice" was free if you are into taking advice from a seven year old.)
In the past I have used this day to look for trucks to add to my collection and Dianne has sought out lighthouses for hers. Our budget is a little tight this year, so we passed on this. This year we were looking for baby items like a Pack n' Play, a high chair, car seat, etc. since our grandson Jake is flying in next week with his mother and we needed to be prepared. Gave me a whole new perspective on all the stuff needed for parents on infants and toddlers to move even a couple of blocks from their houses.
I also use the day to meet my neighbors. Landisville itself is not a big town, but it is part of the suburban sprawl growing out of Lancaster. In this day of cell phones to occupy people's attention and the habit of driving everywhere (which also isolates us), it is very hard to meet--let alone know your neighbors. The yard sales, with their slower pace and obvious dialogue, make a wonderful opportunity for this. I even have a chance to carry on longer conversations with church members who often breeze by me on Sunday mornings at the door.
I am reminded that spending time with our neighbors and getting to know them is at the heart of neighborliness. When all is said and done, it is the first step towards being a community.
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