It is now four days until Christmas. Unless you have been swamped at work, or immobilized by depression, or just a major procrastinator; I suspect your Christmas decorating is complete, Christmas cards have been sent, presents to distant relatives have been sent, menu for Christmas dinner established, and you are preparing the house for a family time.
Let me ask a simple question. Are you ready for Jesus?
This is not one of those "turn or burn" evangelistic questions. It is a simple question about your focus and your openness. In our culture, it is very easy to let the reality of Christ to be lost in the observance of Christmas. Not totally so since researchers tell us this is the number one time people go to church--it's both a family tradition and politically correct. But are you making a point each day as Christmas approaches to remember the message, "God is with us." Are you thanking God for the most essential and awesome gift ever given--Jesus Christ? Are you going about your holiday business in the name of Christ?
And openness? How about this prayer ...
Heavenly Father, I know that You have loved us unconditionally and unasked.
I know that You sent Jesus into the world--first to the cradle and ultimately
to a cross-so that we might no longer be separated from You.
I know that You desire to make us a new creation, to give us a fresh start.
Help me to be open to what Jesus wants to do in and through me,
At Christmas and beyond.
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