Some of us try to keep our budgets under control. 70 channels of basic cable is enough. But I like sports, including professional football. I know it's a business, but frankly it makes enough money that it really doesn't need to reserve some of its product for a special network, for which it can charge even. It was bad enough my a meaningless game between the hapless Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers was scheduled on a Thursday night so only people who wanted to pay more for cable could see the game.(That stuck in my craw because my beloved hapless Browns finally beat the Steelers and I had to settle for a few clips from ESPN.) But when a truly important game like the unbeaten Colts versus the Jaguars on Thursday night and Saturday night's contest between the Cowboys and the unbeaten Saints was also denied the general football public because both were on the NFL Network.
It seems like a mark of our persistent falleness that someone is always figuring out how to make some people "haves" and others "have nots."
I hate to break it to you, but 70 channels is not basic cable. I have basic cable - 14 channels for $10. And I don't have to worry about hating the NFL channel, because I never knew it existed. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou probably haven't missed much. Nonetheless, my beloved Browns outgunned the Chiefs Sunday on network TV. Ironically, it was out-of-market for me.