"The stocking were all hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there ..."
It is just two more days. Are you ready for Christmas? Personally, I finished my Christmas shopping Monday night, my Christmas Eve sermon yesterday. Today I took a day off to make sure that the house would be ready for family to arrive. But I confess, I still haven't taken real time to ready my heart for Christmas.
"Dear Lord, forgive me when the hype and the hustle of preparing for the Christmas celebration makes me rush past the reason for the season. Help me in these remaining hours to slow down, open my heart and my mind, to let You enter in. For the best Christmas present of all has already been delivered and it didn't come by Federal Express. It came in the person of Jesus. As I celebrate His birth,help me to allow His life to make a difference in the way I live. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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