2009 concludes within a few hours. It was a historic year as the first African-American in history, Barak Obama took office as the 45th President of the United States. Now 12 months later there are mixed reviews on that presidency although Mr. Obama is the most popular male figure to Americans.
But most of the rest of the year people would prefer to forget. Debate raged in our country over healthcare--and a Christmas Eve vote along largely partisan lines launched our country into an experiment that may deliver healthcare to more Americans but leaves a lot of uncertainty as the economic and social cost to our nation. A botched terror attack on a flight into Detroit on Christmas reminded us that nine years after 9-11 we still cannot assure the safety of our people from a determined terrorist. The re-emergence in Yemen of Al Quaida once again reveals the unabated hatred of radical Islam towards the US. GM, which has shed Saturn and Saab, and countless loyal dealers, seems once again poised for a government bailout in the name of saving jobs and the economy. And the most admired athlete of the 21st century, Tiger Woods, has been revealed as self-indulgent adulterer, humiliating his wife and disappointing kids who had seen him as their role model.
And those are just the "lowlights" of 2009--not even the worst.
This is why biblical Christians continue to believe that we live in a fallen world, where man's basic sinfulness is the default mode of life and values--without a heart transplant from a holy God. It's not a matter of negativity or judgmentalism. It is simply a confession of reality.
It is also why we believe that you do not change our world by self-improvement, or social legislation, or better education, or vigilant law enforcement, or political movements, or by appealing to humanity's better nature. Our world is changed by one life at a time being changed by the transforming power of the love of Jesus Christ.
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